Friday, November 25, 2011

The First Post

MY INTENTION was to introduce this blog properly with a grand article – at the risk of making a big deal out of it. For the longest time, I’ve been planning on this but it was not happening.
It’s not that I needed extra inspiration to start it off. It was the posting that was problematic. And while I kept putting it off till the next day, I continued writing and the articles remained either ink on paper or bytes on my iPad.
As it turns out, this blog gets off the ground with posts of my published works through the kindness of my friend Ana. These articles will actually create a section to be called Portfolio.
From this day on, my thoughts, opinions and my take on everyday stuff – be it entertainment, politics or even the arts and everything else mundane – will find its home in a section called My Daily Take.
Currents will compose life’s comings and goings, whatever that may mean.Actually, I just like the word and I like the sound of it. Currrrr-rents.There’s an aura to the word that oozes with the present, the here and now, the new, the up-to-date, up-to-the-minute. It also feels like movement, flow, outpouring. This will actually be my everyday posts.
In Private will be journal entries I may want to share; while Past Page will be more journal entrieswith some written in old notebooks which have to be retired after Ondoy, and now find their permanent space here.
Starting today, everything I’ve written – and will be writing – will now be posted in those sections or categories. Sadly, I continue to be at the mercy of somebody to post my blogs. Thanks to my daughter Ghiselle and her friend Bea for their help.My daughter Pee Ann says she wants to enhance the blogsite’sdesign when she finds the time. Ana continues to baby sit me on this, sending me links to assist me.
But not to worry, I will get the hang of it.
This blog has no particular purpose. Well, there may be reasons too profound and at the same time too petty. For one, I love to write and I enjoy being read.
I don’t want to sound cliché-ish but maybe another reason would be to touch the lives of others – a different kind of others. I’m not sure if online readers are different from magazine readers.
Lastly, somebody once said that while in this world, we should plant a tree, bear a child, and write a blog or something.
I have been planting trees since I could remember. But there’s one ceremonious tree-planting activity I joined and this was at the Tierra Maria Estates in Lipa City during a media tour a couple of years back.
I have borne not only one child but two lovely, loving and lovable daughters.
And now, I am writing a blog …
I know it’s actually write a book? But, whatever ...

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